2015 Annual Joint Conference
Catch the Energy Wave!!
At the 2015 Pacific Section Convention
Mandalay Beach Hotel & Resort Embassy Suites, 2101 Mandalay Beach Road, Oxnard, CA 93035
May 2-6, 2015
Pacific Section-AAPG • Pacific Section-SEPM • Pacific Coast Section-SEG
Hosted by the Coast Geological Society
Pacific Section Convention Call for Abstracts
The Pacific Sections of AAPG, SEPM, and SEG invite your submittals for oral and poster presentations at http://psaapg.org/2015-call-for-papers/. We plan a
broadly themed, high-quality technical program highlighting the geosciences’ role
in resource applications and environmental stewardship.
Sessions will include:
– California Reservoirs: Exploration to EOR
– Monterey Formation Challenges
– Clastic Sediments: Stratigraphy, Environments, and Source-to-Sink
– Structural Geology, Faults, and Earthquakes
– Advances in Seismic Imaging and Applications
– Integrating Petrophysics and Geoscience
– Alternative Energy
– Water Resources: Geoscience Applications
– The New World: Navigating the Politics and Ever-Changing Regulations
– Other sessions to be announced
Abstracts should cover the objectives, procedures, results and conclusions of the research. Limit to no more than 2,500 characters including spaces and punctuations. The title, authors, and affiliations are not included in the character limit.
Evaluation and ranking of abstracts is based on relevance and timeliness of subject matter; usefulness of contribution to the advancement of knowledge, techniques or practice; and overall clarity, organization and presentation of ideas.
Titles are required — they should be brief and state the topic.
In keeping with the spirit of the convention, presenters must refrain from making subtle or blatant sales pitches including but not limited to: repeated use of product names, trade names or pictures, or repeated use of company logo. Logos are appropriate on title slides and summary/conclusion slides, but not on each slide of the presentation.
Student submissions are encouraged to all sessions.
Submit your abstract in the form in which you would like it published. Spellcheck is your friend, but will not catch everything. Have your abstracts proofread. Abstracts will not be edited.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection in March 2015. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit an extended version of their abstract which will then be reproduced on CD-ROM and made available at the convention. Some presentations may be published, with author’s permission, on the AAPG Search and Discovery website.
Final booth design will be announced in the poster kit and sent to all confirmed poster presenters prior to the start of the conference.
Important: Do not submit an abstract unless at least one author is certain to attend the convention. All session chairs, speakers and poster presenters must register to attend the convention. No exceptions will be made.
Oral Sessions: Single screen electronic presentations will be the only format available. Each session room is equipped with the following: High intensity projector, desktop computer, large format screen, speaker timer, laser pointer, lapel microphone and lectern microphone. Internet connections and dual screens will not be available. Detailed speaker information will be sent to you upon acceptance of your abstract.
Poster Sessions: Full-day poster sessions are planned. Presenters are required to be in their booths a minimum of two hours while their posters are on display. Detailed poster dimensions will be sent to you prior to the convention.
Submit: Abstracts for all sessions should be submitted at at http://psaapg.org/2015-call-for-papers/ by January19th, 2015. For any issues, contact psaapg2015@gmail.com